Dimensions :
Length: 43 cm

Width : 16 cm
Height : 64 cm

Weight : 25 kg


The Kings’ crown work by Thezol who was inspired by the idea of Elahe Mohammadzadeh, is made of stone and nickel-coated brass A free imagination of Qajar kings’ hat collection with a surreal expression of their loneliness.
The feather represents the king’s prosperity, but here is a symbol of his loneliness. The feathers are left in the cage and the cage is the king’s crown. The king is alone; Alone because of his position. His loneliness stems from his crown. This crown puts him in a position of loneliness; just as a hero is always alone too. He belongs to people but is not one of them.   (thezol)

The King Crown

Material :
Brass , Stone , Nickel

Price : 1,200 $

Category :  

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