Dimensions :
Length: 59 cm

Width : 23 cm
Height : 66 cm

Weight : 10 kg


It’s a statue with a cane in hand and a rod in its foot, and a saw blade left in his body; a means of communication to connect with Utopia. He is the last savior of trees, plants and greenery, the last savior of nature. But the savior is suffering and wounded; He’s lost his leg and his hand is weak and thin; but he still stands on.
He came to remind us that there is still a hope; and there are still leaves. The last savior of nature calls us to return; to metanoia and transformative change.​​​​​​​     (thezol)

The Last Saviour of Nature

Material :
Wood (Bambo) , Plant , Metal , Stone , Glass Pipe

Price : 1,900 $

Category :  

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